Past Events

Arduino - Winter 2012
Ten teams of Arduino newbies, veterans, and makers used the entirety of the HeatSync Labs hackerspace plus an on-site designer from sponsor Cynergy and our secret ingredient: The Shield Bot from Seeed Studio to create something special. The entire event was livestreamed, sportscaster-style via Allons-y and an all-volunteer video crew.
Check out the event archive to see pictures, video and the winners from this event.

HTML5 Games - Winter 2012
In December, developers, designers, and artists formed nine teams and hacked for twelve hours to create HTML5 games. The Frozen JS engine was available to apply web development skills to speed up game development and the Iced Dev team was on-site to help. Standout entries included Firefly fan art, animated photographed crayon drawings, and 8-bit baby kicking.
Check out the event archive to see pictures, video and the winners from this event.